NUMBERS GAME: Stats about first half of NPFL

Find important stats for the first half of the league

NUMBERS GAME: Stats about first half of NPFL

Players and officials in the Nigeria Professional Football League, NPFL have proceeded on a short break from March 20, 2022, to mark the end of the first stanza of the season.

As of that day, Rivers United sit atop the log with 42 points. They won 12 of the 19 matches played, drew six and lost one.

They scored 31 goals while the opposition scored nine against them.

Second, on the log is Plateau United with 41 points.

Find important stats for the first half of the league.

735 – Number of Yellow cards

361- Number of goals scored

190 – Number of matches played

128- Number of won matches

48- Number of drawn matches

38- Number of penalties awarded

31- Number of goals scored by the best attacking side (Rivers United)

30- Number of penalties scored

28- Number of goals leaked in by the worst defensive side (Dakkada, Heartland)

24- Number of red cards

21- Number of away victories

13- The highest number of victory recorded by a team (Plateau United)

11- Number of goals scored by the highest goal scorer (Rafiu Isiaq, Rivers United)

8- Number of missed penalties

7- Highest Number of draws by a team (Rangers, Nassara and Abia Warriors)

6- Number of own goals scored

4- Least number of victories recorded by a team (MFM)

3- Number of teams that changed their coaches

1.9 – Number of goals on the average per game

1.-The least number of losses by a team (Rivers United)