“My mother's death a blessing’-Mike Tyson 

Tyson's mother, Lorna Tyson, died due to cancer in 1982, three years before 'Iron Mike' became a pro boxer.

“My mother's death a blessing’-Mike Tyson 
Mike Tyson

Before becoming the youngest heavyweight champion of the world in history, Mike Tyson had a troubled childhood.

Although his mother didn't get to see his brilliance as a boxer, Tyson recently made a hilarious claim about her that shocked fans.

Iron Mike considered his mother's death to be the best event of his life. But then he justified his claims with some strange explanations.

In an interview with the ShayShay Club, Tyson talked about several events in his life. However, when he talked about his mother, the former world champion stunned the viewers.

"You know, one of the best things that ever happened to me is that my mother died. Because my other would have made me babies. There's no way I would ever got into a street fight. No way I would ever learn to stand up for myself," Tyson said.

Tyson's mother, Lorna Tyson, died due to cancer in 1982, three years before 'Iron Mike' became a pro boxer.

My mother really did a lot. Always going to police stations to get my a** out. She would beat my a** so bad, in front of the police, 

Tyson grew up in Brownsville, Brooklyn, one of New York's toughest neighborhoods, and was in jail on multiple occasions. Although success looked far away, he rose to stardom under the guidance of Cus D'Amato.

Tyson lost his mother when he was only 16 years old. Although he has always shown his love and respect for her, the former boxer has also called her "aggressive" in the past.

"She was loving, but she was kind of aggressive.", he said in one of the HotBoxin' episodes.

"Never had her life together, never pretty much worked. Wasn't afraid to really beat you, hit you with anything, pretty much. Drank heavily. She had a lot of boyfriends and stuff. Sometimes her boyfriend would come over and be drunk, I would cut their pockets and rob their money."